Anti Anxiety Recipe Plan

anti anxiety recipe plan

It’s no secret that the foods you eat can affect the way you feel. It’s also no surprise to most people that eating nutritious, healthy foods rather than fat and sugar laden highly processed foods is better for you. But, not only is non processed food better for your body, it’s also better for your mind.

More and more people around the world are starting to discover the Gut-Brain Connection, which is good news because it means more funding and research will continue to go into figuring out the connection between the gut and the brain and how we can use it to make our bodies and minds healthier. 

If you’re someone who suffers from anxiety, those butterflies in your stomach (or thundering elephants) might actually be your gut trying to tell you something.

If we put the right foods into our bodies, not only will our bodies function better but our brains will too. A well functioning brain will not keep triggering your fight or flight response and, therefore, your anxiety symptoms should start to settle down.

I’ve previously written about foods that help to calm your nervous system, but did you know that there are foods that can help you to banish anxiety forever? Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? And, maybe it is, because following an anti anxiety meal plan will be tough at first.

To really banish anxiety you’re probably going to need to cut out some of your favorite foods – almost anything processed has to go. I know that can seem like a big ask for a lot of people, but if you’ve been crippled by anxiety and panic attacks for some time now, you’re probably at the end of your tether and ready to give anything a go.

The best way to approach a big dietary change like this is to take it one day at a time and, don’t be too hard on yourself. Some days you might not succeed in only eating from your anti anxiety meal plan, and that’s OK. You might notice your symptoms starting to flare up again, but don’t add guilt to your anxious feelings, just get up again the next day and try to keep incorporating as many anti anxiety foods into your diet each day.

foods to help with anxiety salmon

Once you get used to eating this way, both your mind and your body will get used to it so that cooking delicious, healthy, homemade meals each day will become a habit and a joy.

Gradually you’ll start to replace some of your previously favorite foods with healthier versions, which will become your new favorites. And, as a bonus, your body and your mind will start to feel the way they should again – healthy and carefree!

So, what are these magical anti-anxiety foods? The good news is, you don’t have to figure any of this out on your own as I have discovered The Anti-Anxiety Recipe Plan for you. The anti anxiety recipe plan covers everything you need to know about eating for a healthy body and mind that is finally free from anxiety.

The Anti Anxiety Recipe Plan has over 50 delicious recipes specifically designed by Chef Melissa to help combat anxiety and make you feel good. I’m not allowed to use the photographs of the food on here but, if you click here and scroll a bit over half way down the page, you’ll find some mouthwatering images of the delicious food you can cook and enjoy using this meal plan.

From Blueberry Banana Flax Muffins through to Raw Pad Thai Noodles, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in these anti anxiety recipes. If you’ve never tried Avocado & Chocolate Mousse before, you’re in for a treat – I actually prefer it to regular chocolate mousse! It’s so creamy and chocolatey and doesn’t taste like avocado at all – I love it, and my gut and brain do too! 

If you’re serious about making a change in your life and relieving yourself from crippling anxiety, then the small investment required to access the Anti-Anxiety Recipe Plan is well worth it.

Commit to making the change, even if it’s only small changes to begin with, and your body and your mind will thank you. Learn more about the Anti-Anxiety Recipe Plan here. Let me know how it works for you.